Saturday, March 21, 2009

Random Blisters

Saw Scratchy today after many days....boy was i glad to see him! He made that particular sound....~luv u scraty!~

The other day i saw a woomun in the train crying over a Mills n Boons....mills n boons, for Pete's sake!

Hope Pumpkin hasn't got worms, least of all Toxocara canis, but i think he duz. ~anthelmintic~

Adam Lambert, who's on AI (not arti insem) is cooool....most entertainin contestant i've ever seen on d show!

Down for my N's!!!!

Got milk?

Oval nite

oval teen

:) :I :( :/ :-> :-< ;) :P :)+

I miss dawson's.........

You know how the elevators in some of them residential buildings have a built in female voice reminding you to close the door in 3 different languages, everytime you open the door? Well, the swanky new elevator at my granny's has it, & the bitch sounds really angry! lol